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Unlocking the Plasma Proteome:
Advanced Profiling and Biomarker Discovery

With proteomic experts from Helmholtz and Tecan



Clinical blood analysis is crucial for monitoring health and diagnosing diseases, with blood-based biomarkers playing a key role. However, current detection methods often lack sufficient coverage. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics provides a robust solution for in-depth plasma proteome analysis, but precise sample preparation is essential.

This webinar will guide you on maximizing plasma proteome coverage and optimizing sample preparation, whether using plasma or serum. Dr. König and Dr. Wendt will discuss developing an optimized, automated workflow for comprehensive plasma biomarker discovery, showcasing results from two complementary techniques: LC-MS and Olink.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Discover how to efficiently prepare blood-derived samples, including plasma and serum
  • Explore how to implement a fully automatable, reproducible and standardized plasma workflow with scalable throughput
  • Achieve comprehensive plasma proteome characterization, addressing the dynamic range challenge for deeper insights
  • Learn to apply LC-MS-based proteomics combined with affinity-based methods to discover novel disease biomarkers

Agenda and Talks

  • Welcome and intro
    Zuzana Demianova, Global Collaboration and Business Development Manager, PreOmics GmbH
  • Maximizing Coverage of the Plasma Proteome by Combining Mass Spec with Affinity-based Methods
    Dr. Ann-Christine König, Proteomics Core Facility Manager, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany
  • Automated Sample Preparation for In-depth Plasma Proteomics
    Dr. Fabian Wendt, Product and Application Manager, Mass Spectrometry, Tecan
  • Q&A

Meet our speakers

Dr. Ann-Christine König

Dr. Fabian Wendt

Ann-Christine König studied Cell Biology and Biochemistry at LMU Munich and obtained her PhD in 2014, focusing on mitochondrial retrograde signaling. She gained her first postdoctoral experience at the Proteomics Core Facility of the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne. Since 2017, she has been part of the Proteomics and Metabolomics Core Facility at Helmholtz Munich 

Fabian Wendt is the Product & Application Manager for Mass Spectrometry at Tecan since 2024. He is based within the Application Team in Männedorf, Switzerland, where he manages the automated product and application portfolio for the mass spectrometry market. Since joining Tecan in 2022 as an Application Specialist, Fabian has developed automated sample preparation workflows for proteomics in close collaboration with key partners, focusing on proteome characterization from plasma. His background in mass spectrometry and proteomics drives his current role in science-based product and application innovation. Prior to Tecan, Fabian pursued his PhD in Systems Biology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, focusing on mass spectrometry-based proteomic research, particularly the impact of viral infection on the abundance and interaction network of cell surface proteins.

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