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The contribution of proteomics in a multi-omics investigation of critical forms of COVID-19



Following the recent publication of the Science Translational Medicine paper "Identification of driver genes for critical forms of COVID-19 in a deeply phenotyped young patient cohort” by Carapito et al., we are delighted that Christine Carapito, Aurélie Hirschler and Leslie Muller from the University of Strasbourg, France, joined us at PreOmics for a webinar on Wednesday, April 20th, 2022.


In this presentation, our guest speakers will present the analytical workflow and the results obtained in the investigation of the plasma and PBMC proteomes of a cohort of young patients including critical and non-critical COVID-19 patients and healthy individuals.

Analytical choices will be extensively discussed and the contributions of the proteomics counterpart in the global multi-omics picture will be highlighted.


5 min

Welcome and Intro

30 min

The contribution of proteomics in a multi-omics investigation of critical forms of COVID-19 in young patients

Presentation by Christine Carapito, Aurélie Hirschler 

and Leslie Muller from the University of Strasbourg, France

15 min

Q&A session

Meet our speakers

Aurélie Hirschler, Dr. Christine Carapitoand Dr. Leslie Muller | LSMBO

Dr. Quentin Enjalbert | PreOmics

The BioOrganic Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (CNRS and University of Strasbourg) is specialized in developing mass spectrometry-based methods for structural and functional proteomics. 

PreOmics empowers its clients in life sciences to establish biological knowledge through efficient, reliable solutions and workflows that set the standard for protein analysis. 

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