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BeatBox Wizard

Welcome to PreOmics' first-ever BeatBox Wizard Class! Discover everything there is to know about our BeatBox tissue homogenizer and cell lyser.

Online | On-demand



Part I

Taking a leap forward in tissue and cell preparation efficiency

Welcome to PreOmics' first-ever BeatBox Wizard Class! 

Experience the BeatBox and discover new ways to optimize your protein extraction by reducing workflow complexity, improving results from scarce samples, setting up robust assays, working with large sample cohorts, and more.

Part II

Simplifying mammalian tissue homogenization with BeatBox

Part III

Making FFPE sample preparation easier by combining BeatBox and iST

Part IV

Getting efficient and reproducible lysis of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells


Schedule your individual Q&A session with proteomic experts


PreOmics has a variety of streamlined solutions for different cell and tissue types to optimize your sample preparation for LC-MS analysis. In this course, you will find explanatory videos, posters, application notes, and more to make your life easy while performing protein extraction in the lab.  




Learn how to obtain reliable results through reproducible sample homogenization, even for challenging samples, with BeatBox.

Get a hands-on demonstration on how to homogenize samples and optimize protein extraction using BeatBox.

Discover how BeatBox can be combined with iST technology to get fast and enhanced results, from starting material to clean peptides.

Access the free online course!

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